As forests across the West Coast and around the globe are being devastated by wildfire disasters each year, we recognize the urgency to support critical reforestation efforts now. In honor of the 150th anniversary of the Arbor Day holiday on April 29, 2022, our winery is committed to planting trees where they are needed most in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, the world’s largest nonprofit organization dedicated to planting trees.
Frank Family has a heritage of supporting sustainability efforts, having been 100% third-party certified for both land and winery by Napa Green since 2014. Beyond reducing our collective carbon footprint, Frank Family was drawn to the idea of supporting tree planting because of the destructive wildfires we have personally witnessed in Napa Valley since 2017.

One reforestation project that resonated particularly with us and our winery community is in Oregon’s Willamette National Forest. In September 2020, the Holiday Farm Fire burned more than 170,000 acres of the forest, leaving the area in dire need of replanting. To help this vital ecosystem recover, Frank Family will support the planting of 6 trees per every bottle of our 2015 Blanc de Blancs sold through April 30. These trees will not only improve water quality for nearby residents, but also restore a healthy habitat for endangered wildlife and create long-lasting improvements to help battle climate change.
While recovery from these wildfires will take years, we are committed to creating a greener future for everyone through our Frank for a Cause initiative this month. We wish you are inspired too and share a bottle of our 2015 Blanc de Blancs with your loved ones, both in person and on social media using our campaign hashtag #FrankForACause.

Our winery truly values the importance of the environment and sustainability, and we are proud to have the opportunity to partner with fellow organizations like the Arbor Day Foundation who share the same passion to contribute in whatever small way possible. Afterall, big change starts small.