Earlier this month, Frank Family Vineyards announced our partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation to help plant 150,000 trees in vulnerable forests along the West Coast. The trees will help address reforestation and aim to protect not only forests but the people and wildlife who rely upon them. This announcement comes amidst a record-breaking year of fires, which rendered severe damage to forests from California to Oregon to Australia.
Fires in the past few years have burned longer and hotter than usual, causing dangerous results. “These historic fires often destroy tree seed source, preventing or slowing healthy forest regeneration,” said Jen Hallaman of the Arbor Day Foundation. “What’s left behind is mostly brush and grass – effectively, fuel for the next mega fire,” she continued.

In addition to an increased risk for future fires, damaged forests face continued challenges like mudslides, degraded water quality, and a loss of habitat for local wildlife. But with careful and well-planned replanting and management, these issues will diminish over time.
Wildfire restoration is a long-term process that requires collaboration from emergency responders, local forests experts, and planting partners, like Frank Family Vineyards. Following severe fires, on-the-ground teams assess the damage and map out areas that require immediate attention. They focus support on acres that may not regenerate to their full health without replanting.

Through local experts and access to new technologies and data, the Arbor Day Foundation plans a response that drives intentional action, always being mindful of the recommended species, number of trees, and appropriate spacing for reforestation efforts. They work with local partners to engage nurseries to begin growing the necessary seedlings, a stage that can take up to one year or longer.
Finally, the Arbor Day Foundation relies on planting partners, public agencies, and businesses of all sizes to fund, plan, and execute wildfire restoration projects. Read about Frank Family’s 2022 restoration project here> Over the course of several years, replanting takes place to restore damaged forests, which in turn helps slow climate change, filter our air and water, foster biodiversity, improve health and wellbeing, and ultimately increase forest and community resilience for years to come.

Join Frank Family in restoring vulnerable forests and reducing our collective carbon footprint with your next wine purchase. We pledge to plant 6 trees for every bottle of our 2015 Blanc de Blancs purchased throughout April 2022. Shop and give back here>